Refund Policy

At Nuno Palha Photography, we strive to provide the best possible service and flexibility for our clients.

Our refund policy is designed to ensure that both our clients and our business are protected.

Cancellation and Refund Terms:

Cancellation Within 7 Days of Booking:

  • If you need to cancel your photoshoot, you can do so within 7 days of your booking date for a full refund. Please contact us immediately to process your cancellation and refund.

Cancellation After 7 Days of Booking:

  • If you need to cancel your photoshoot after the 7-day window, we do not offer refunds. However, we are happy to offer you the following options:
  • First Rescheduling: You can reschedule your photoshoot once to a later date at no extra cost, provided we am available on your preferred date.
  • Second Rescheduling: Any further rescheduling requests will incur a fee of €25, subject to our availability on your preferred date.
  • Transfer of Ownership: You may transfer your photoshoot to another person. The new person must contact us to confirm the transfer and provide their contact details.

How to Cancel, Reschedule, or Transfer:

  • To Cancel Within 7 Days:
  • Email us at with your booking details, and we will process your full refund.
  • To Reschedule:
  • Email us at with your current booking details and your preferred new date. We will check availability and confirm the rescheduled date. The first rescheduling is free, while the second and subsequent rescheduling requests will incur a €25 fee.
  • To Transfer Ownership:
  • Email us at with your booking details and the contact information of the person taking over your booking. We will reach out to them to finalize the transfer.

Contact Us: 

If you have any questions or need assistance with your booking, please contact us at

Thank you for choosing Nuno Palha Photography. We look forward to capturing your special moments.

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